What is custom wallpaper?

by | May 14, 2014 | Home and Garden

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Custom wallpaper is a form of wall décor that is made exclusively for one client and made to the client’s exact specifications. With today’s digital imaging capabilities any design is possible whether it is repeating or a mural and colors are no problem at all. The same companies that offer custom wallpaper often offer custom borders as well which gives the client the opportunity to customize the room décor without turning to full wall covering.

Many people turn to having custom wall coverings produced as they wish to match other elements in the room. Other people use custom wall coverings to add a focal point by using the material as a focus wall. When the covering is used for commercial purposes you will often see it in a department store as brand identification or even temporary seasonal decoration. There is no limit to the designs, colors or sizes that can be produced.

A popular use for custom wallpaper is to create a mural which will be used on one wall only. A mural is normally a scene, often the homeowner will have a favorite scenic photo duplicated for use in the home. When these large panels are produced it is important that a high resolution image be provided otherwise the quality may not be acceptable.

There are a number of ways to produce custom wallpaper; the choice is up to the actual manufacturer. Some company’s use machine printing while others will hand-screen the image, depending on the company they may also offer design services. It is possible for some companies to work from a concept; others only offer printing, offering no help with the graphics. Although this is the case with some companies, many interior designers are using the new technology in their design concepts.

Although the finished product is wallpaper, it is highly recommended that the installation be done by a professional paper hanger. The wallpaper is quite expensive so it is wise to pay extra to ensure that you get a perfect installation, with no overlaps, rips or tears. The finished product is usually the exact size of the room with little left for trimming. The printing company will usually crop the photo image so that the entire wall is devoted to the mural with no unused space around the borders.

By using a combination of state of the art technology and expertise in design Wolf Gordon is able to design and supply custom wallpaper to suit the specific needs of the client.

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