Mold living and growing outside is often beneficial for the environment. This type of mold eats away at dead matter material, cleaning the environment. The spores are air born before attaching to wet materials in the environment and multiplying. While this is beneficial for the environment, it can be disastrous in your home and cause you and your family to become ill. Mold seeks out humid, damp, dark areas of your home to infest and grow. Making it imperative for you to ensure the environment in and around your home is moisture free. In Worcester, especially in the summer months, it is a must to ensure your living environment is free of this moisture causing mold. This helps to slow down the growth of mold and mildew in your home.
Effects of Mold
Mold in your home that is exposed to any moisture or wet areas will attach itself and begin to destroy whatever it lands on. This can be detrimental to the health of you and your family by creating irritants and toxic substances to begin growing within your home. Breathing in these toxic substance daily, can cause respiratory issues and even death. Therefore, prompt Mold Remediation in Worcester is necessary if you notice damp areas or mold developing in your house.
Ways to Control Moisture
Inspecting your home on a regular basis for water stains or leaks and water will help stop mold growth. Issues and problems areas in your home can be found by checking the following areas:
Gutters that are clogged with debris
Leaking roofs
Poor or improper ventilation
Drainage issues
Damp or wet basements or basements that leak
Kitchen or bathroom lines, connectors, or fixtures that leak
Insulation installed incorrectly
Moist or wet crawl spaces
Basements that flood
Also avoid drying wet clothes indoor or using humidifiers to put moisture in the air
Mold Remediation in Worcester may include fixing improperly installed insulation on your roof or in your walls, sealing leaking basements, and replacing leaking water valves and fixtures. Problem areas need to be dealt with prior to drying out and replacing wood or sheet rock that has been damage by water.
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