Boost the Appeal of Your Sunday School Stage with Upgraded Furniture

by | Oct 11, 2021 | Furniture

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As you strive to capture the attention of your Sunday school students, you and the Board may have already tried to come up with new ideas. Perhaps you have thought of new plans, programs and even promotional campaigns to boost the interest of prospective students and their parents.

However, you should take the time to focus on retaining the classmates that you already have, because that will allow you to secure even more new students through referrals and word-of-mouth. If you are interested in taking your current Sunday school set-up to the next level, then it is highly recommended for you to focus on upgrading perhaps the most intriguing part of the center with a little help from worship furniture manufacturers: the stage!

Upgrade the Lectern, Add Sound

What do you currently use as a lectern? Do you even have a lectern for your speakers and instructors? If you want to educate your students on the value of stage presence and confidently presenting your beliefs to the public, it is imperative for your worship center to invest in a high-quality sound system and lectern with integrated sound as a practice ground for your students. It will also add captivation to your instructors when they give presentations and instructional programs from the stage.

Focus on Your Budget, Work with What is Reasonable

Before you dive into searching for high-quality options to take your AV equipment to a new level, you should take a moment to calculate your budget constraints and be determined to stay within those established boundaries. Keep in mind that the overall budget used by the worship center does not just bank on what you do for Sunday school. At the next Board meeting, it would be in your best interest to have your pricing estimates ready to present for voting purposes.

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