3 Major Benefits of Installing Solar Attic Fan in Comparison to Electric Ones

by | Dec 1, 2011 | Uncategorized

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What kind of attic fan you have in your home recently? Is it a electric fan? Well, you have used the electric one for a considerable period of time, and familiar with its pros and cons, right? Now, you can try installing a solar attic fan in your home, for better efficiency. As far as a solar product is concerned, most people avoid buying them just because they think at random that such products would be expensive. However, when compared to the other traditional ventilation systems, you will find it more affordable and effective.

There are a number of benefits of a solar attic fan, and if you do not invest on them, then maybe you are not making a wise decision. Let’s delve into some of the major benefits of installing the same:

Easy and cheap installation: An electric attic fan needs to be wired with your main electric supply. And when it comes to wiring, you need to hire a skilled and licensed electrician to carry on with same. For this to happen, you need to shell out money. Whereas, solar attic fans have their own source of power, the sunlight, therefore no electrical wiring is needed, and also, no electricity permit is needed for installing it.

Non-stop functioning: When it comes to an electric exhaust fan, in order to save more electricity consumption, it comes along with a thermostat. This thermostat regulates the operating mechanism of such fans, and until and unless the attic does not reach the required temperature (125 degrees F), the fan do not spins. However, as solar exhaust fans are self powered, and do not needs electricity, they ventilate your home properly and more effectively.

Increases the life of roof: During winters, a considerable amount of heat gets trapped inside your attic, resulting in melting the ice on the roof of your home. This can damage your roof as well, by formation of mildews, however, if you have a solar attic fan installed in your home, then so such problems will occur.

These are some of the basic benefits of installing a solar attic fan. Mclean residents are well aware of the necessity of saving unnecessary power consumption, and keeping their homes properly ventilated. That is why, most of them opt for solar powered attic fans. So, what is stopping you to do the same? Look around and find a reliable dealer for making a wise purchase.

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